For centuries, flowers have spoken to the human heart — now they speak to your brain too.
What We Do – At Heinau Flowers, we believe you can have your cake and eat it too. Flowers should stimulate your senses and fulfill your need for beauty and elegance. For too long this has proven to be an expensive indulgence. Inevitably the beauty fades in a few days and the flowers are only a memory in a week or two. That’s the element we’ve changed at Heinau: you still have the dramatic impact of fresh flowers on Day One, but now you have exactly the same impact one month or three months or even a full year later. We know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.
If your top priority is saving money, this is your solution. If your top priority is enduring beauty, this is your solution. If you care equally about both those things, there is absolutely no need to look further.
February 02, 2011 at 10:33 am, admin said:
Phasellus mi leo, aliquet a hendrerit eget, dignissim vel mi. Proin pellentesque, risus sit amet lobortis adipiscing, urna nunc ullamcorper dolor, id eleifend magna ligula non risus. Vestibulum tellus eros, tristique vel consectetur ac, rhoncus nec dui. Vivamus sit amet nibh vel purus lacinia bibendum at vel ligula. Pellentesque elementum dolor nec nisi ullamcorper suscipit. Duis congue, mauris a tincidunt pulvinar, leo lectus lobortis justo, eu interdum tellus libero ut nisl. Vestibulum nullam.
February 02, 2011 at 1:46 pm, admin said:
Suspendisse fringilla tellus vitae augue ornare a vehicula metus imperdiet. Aliquam viverra, mauris nec malesuada placerat, nulla ligula interdum purus, in egestas nisl purus non felis. Nulla ante lectus, pretium id porttitor eget; sodales ac augue. Vivamus orci enim, mattis ac rhoncus sit amet, rutrum vel urna. Integer fermentum, arcu sed facilisis pharetra, quam ipsum venenatis ipsum, nec varius massa metus non lectus. Cras id turpis leo, non convallis leo. Donec nibh metus, rhoncus quis amet.